Thursday 23 December 2021

From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this time of year. 

We wanted to take a few moments to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas surrounded by family, friends, love, joy and memories. 

Remember the reason for the season and Merry Christmas from our house to yours!! 

Sunday 12 December 2021

The Busiest Time of the Year

 While the song is right this is the 'most wonderful time of the year' we're finding it to be the busiest time of the year currently. 

We've not posted a lot recently again, it's been busy. Seems a lot of yearly, bi-yearly doctor and dentist appointments are falling in the last month of the year. We've had dinner with friends, company parties, Christmas shopping, regular grocery shopping, dog grooming and an unexpected sick kitty event happening. 

We did make time to go get our Christmas tree and start making the new house look more festive. 

As we expected would happen some Christmas items are packed up 'somewhere' and may not make an appearance this year but the very special meaningful one's are here. 

We're waiting and hoping that our former house will soon be sold. Things have been a little slow so we've dropped the price a good bit and are hoping something will happen. Part of us wonder if perhaps it's just not a good time of year for someone to purchase a home. We'd love to have some new neighbors. 

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Christmas Time's a Comin'


We hope everyone is getting into the holiday spirit this year. We're getting there little by little. Donald decorated outside last weekend and Serena has added a few touches inside.

Perhaps a tree will be in place next week at this time. 

Meanwhile we're trying to patiently wait and see if our former house will sell. We're still under the construction loan while we wait. While under a construction loan the payment is for interest only which means the loan isn't decreasing any. We're hoping someone will come along soon that will love the house and want to make it their own. It would have been nice to see someone in there for the holidays but we're remaining hopeful it will happen soon. 

Friday 26 November 2021

First Holiday


We celebrated our first holiday in the new house on Thanksgiving. We weren't sure we could pull it off but it worked out okay. We thought we were ready until we started looking for glass casserole dishes and realized they were still packed up somewhere. We thought of buying everything we needed to cook but not necessarily what we needed to cook in. lol! We found other pots and pans to use and all was well. 

We enjoyed the day with close family and had a wonderful visit and meal. Several of the family hadn't seen the house yet so it was fun giving them a tour. 

We had a lot to be thankful this year. Some family members had some health issues this year but are doing quite well now. 

On another note our old house should be on the market most any time now. The signs went up Monday, pictures were taken Tuesday and while we haven't seen it on the MLS listing or anything yet we're expecting it most any time. We certainly hope there will be an individual, a couple or a family that will love it and want to make it their own. 

Sunday 21 November 2021

We're Still Here!


Sorry our posts have been fewer recently but things have been busy. We went back to work last week so time to work on things was more limited. We continued to work hard on our old house to get it all ready to go on the market. For those looking for a new home or know someone who is, it should be available soon. They are coming to take pictures early this week. We believe we shared before we will be working with Levi Cox. Yes, we're going to #ListwithLevi. 

We took a little time off yesterday to do something fun. Pepper went to stay with aunt LuAnn and we went for a bite to eat and to see Jeff Dunham. It was nice to step away from everything just a bit and a much needed break. 

Today we were back putting finishing touches on cleaning at the old house and arranging, working on the new house. We're looking forward to Thanksgiving as we will be hosting a small family gathering. Not everything will be in place but we've got the basics and we'll be just fine. 

Some have asked for pictures of our decorating and well, we've still got boxes around and 'stuff' isn't organized or put away yet but here are a few pictures we thought we'd share. 

We have our dining room fixed up a bit in preparation for Thanksgiving. The picture is a portrait done by our friend Frank Duncan. It's a picture of the Floyd Country Store. Serena and lots of others are actually in the picture which is cool but it's even more special because that's where we got married almost 12 years ago. 

We're still working on arranging the living room area but we're got our fireplace at the center and then china cabinets made by Serena's Dad on either side. Looking to add some personal pictures and handmade items in the weeks to come. 

We'll try to work on things more as we get closer to the Christmas holiday. Looking forward to seeing how we want to decorate. 

Meanwhile, from our house to yours we wish you all a very wonderful Thanksgiving!! 

Saturday 13 November 2021

Working vacation


We both took the week off last week to get moved in and we are we glad we did. Whew, boy did we work. Most all of the items we needed moved to the new house got here last Saturday but in the old house we had boxes, some furniture and miscellaneous items that needed to go somewhere. We have a shed behind the old house we needed to clean out some so it can be moved across the road. 

If anyone is interested we've got a huge printer that works well and prints large items, blueprints, pictures, etc. asking $75. 

There is also a big heavy metal desk that needs a new home. It's very heavy but it will never wear out. We were asking $50 but to get it gone we're willing to give it away. If you or someone you know needs a good desk, holler at us. 

We need these items gone ASAP so we can get ready for that house to go on the market. 

We're still working on getting settled at the new house. We were blessed with a beautiful weather week for our vacation time. We even got to sit out on our front porch for a while one day. We're feeling more and more at home. The fur babies are settling in pretty well too. The cats had a little over 24 hours before Pepper came home. They still hide a lot during the day but when the sun sets they come out and explore. They seem to be getting used to things. 

We've got the welcome sign out! Stop on by if you're in the neighborhood. 

Sunday 7 November 2021

Busy Weekend

 It was very busy but exciting weekend around here getting some things moved into the new digs. 

It wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the wonderful people in this picture. These people are all family to us, either by blood or by 'heart'. We each have been through good and bad with these folks and love them all dearly. Front Eva Johnson and Serena, middle, Kevin and Erma Stovall, LuAnn Zimmerman, Donald, back Mike Howell and Devin Jacobs. 

We're still working on moving some of our smaller items and just getting things arranged and set up in general. Moving is never an easy task but we'll get there. We have vacation this week to try and clean out the old house and get more settled in the new. 

Today we brought the cats over. Belle is adjusting pretty well but Jack is normally our 'scaredy cat' so he's still hiding out while she's out exploring. They both hid a good bit of the day. Pepper has been on vacation since yesterday morning. We thought it would be safer for her and everyone else for her to not be here. With open doors and lots of people moving about would have been too easy for her to get out or someone to fall over her. She's spent lots of time up here at the house as it was being built so we think she'll settle in pretty nicely. 

We'll check in as the week progresses. Everyone have a great week! 

From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...