Friday 26 November 2021

First Holiday


We celebrated our first holiday in the new house on Thanksgiving. We weren't sure we could pull it off but it worked out okay. We thought we were ready until we started looking for glass casserole dishes and realized they were still packed up somewhere. We thought of buying everything we needed to cook but not necessarily what we needed to cook in. lol! We found other pots and pans to use and all was well. 

We enjoyed the day with close family and had a wonderful visit and meal. Several of the family hadn't seen the house yet so it was fun giving them a tour. 

We had a lot to be thankful this year. Some family members had some health issues this year but are doing quite well now. 

On another note our old house should be on the market most any time now. The signs went up Monday, pictures were taken Tuesday and while we haven't seen it on the MLS listing or anything yet we're expecting it most any time. We certainly hope there will be an individual, a couple or a family that will love it and want to make it their own. 

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From Our House to Yours

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