Sunday 7 November 2021

Busy Weekend

 It was very busy but exciting weekend around here getting some things moved into the new digs. 

It wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the wonderful people in this picture. These people are all family to us, either by blood or by 'heart'. We each have been through good and bad with these folks and love them all dearly. Front Eva Johnson and Serena, middle, Kevin and Erma Stovall, LuAnn Zimmerman, Donald, back Mike Howell and Devin Jacobs. 

We're still working on moving some of our smaller items and just getting things arranged and set up in general. Moving is never an easy task but we'll get there. We have vacation this week to try and clean out the old house and get more settled in the new. 

Today we brought the cats over. Belle is adjusting pretty well but Jack is normally our 'scaredy cat' so he's still hiding out while she's out exploring. They both hid a good bit of the day. Pepper has been on vacation since yesterday morning. We thought it would be safer for her and everyone else for her to not be here. With open doors and lots of people moving about would have been too easy for her to get out or someone to fall over her. She's spent lots of time up here at the house as it was being built so we think she'll settle in pretty nicely. 

We'll check in as the week progresses. Everyone have a great week! 

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From Our House to Yours

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