Saturday 13 November 2021

Working vacation


We both took the week off last week to get moved in and we are we glad we did. Whew, boy did we work. Most all of the items we needed moved to the new house got here last Saturday but in the old house we had boxes, some furniture and miscellaneous items that needed to go somewhere. We have a shed behind the old house we needed to clean out some so it can be moved across the road. 

If anyone is interested we've got a huge printer that works well and prints large items, blueprints, pictures, etc. asking $75. 

There is also a big heavy metal desk that needs a new home. It's very heavy but it will never wear out. We were asking $50 but to get it gone we're willing to give it away. If you or someone you know needs a good desk, holler at us. 

We need these items gone ASAP so we can get ready for that house to go on the market. 

We're still working on getting settled at the new house. We were blessed with a beautiful weather week for our vacation time. We even got to sit out on our front porch for a while one day. We're feeling more and more at home. The fur babies are settling in pretty well too. The cats had a little over 24 hours before Pepper came home. They still hide a lot during the day but when the sun sets they come out and explore. They seem to be getting used to things. 

We've got the welcome sign out! Stop on by if you're in the neighborhood. 

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From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...