Saturday 17 July 2021

The Ride Continues.........


Things are starting to move a tad quicker now that the inspection is done. 

The insulation went up in the house yesterday so before long we'll have some walls. As you can see from the picture it is 'Pepper approved.'

Now's the time to start looking at paint. We're doing most of it white but probably our master bedroom, bath and an accent wall in the dining room will have some color.

Our siding has been delivered, it's a pretty color! :-)

We started this blog partially because we were building this during the COVID pandemic and we could share how this affected things. It's affecting availability as well as price. Yesterday we found out the HVAC system they were planning to install for us was not available, there would be at least a180 day wait if not more. I'll do the math for you that's at least four months if not more! WHAT??!! Other than waiting our options were to go with a commercial unit which was a little cheaper but probably not as good or........... yep, get a more expensive one. Thankfully the price wasn't as high as we feared and we will be getting a better unit in the long run. That one should hopefully only take three weeks to get here. 

Now that its starting to move again it's time to get back to packing up things in the current house so that it can go on the market. That's a juggling act as well. We don't want to sell too fast as we need to continue to live here until ours is done but the money from the sale would be welcome to put into our loan.

It's like a roller coaster ride that keeps on going. 

1 comment:

From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...