Thursday 28 October 2021

Good Lord Willing

Not a ton of activity going on this week but there's not a lot of work left to be done for the builder. 

Our fingers are crossed that our countertops arrive tomorrow and will be ready to install. The builder made our countertop for the island and it is nearly done. We'll hold off on pictures until it is completed.

We've still been waiting on our wall cabinets too. We've been told they should be completed and ready for install on Monday.  

All of the trim has been painted, we're waiting on the fireplace box and mantle, we're almost there! 

We have a plan of when we want to start our move but we'll hold off on saying for sure as the final details need to be completed and most importantly getting our certificate of occupancy. We're hoping that will come next week as well. 

It's getting closer and closer. We're nervous, excited and a little worried. We've got a lot of stuff to get moved and try to get our current home ready for the market. 

We realized we hadn't shared a picture of our completed shower and our half wall in the entrance way. The half wall got painted white today so it will look different in the next set of pictures. 

You guys hang tight we're almost there. 

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Progress Continues

While we were disheartened with the news of the delay on countertops last week it's a new week and progress continues. 

Our shower got completed and it looks awesome! Our builder did a wonderful job putting this together and making it work for us. 

Since we took this picture a glass 'wall' has been put in place and it looks great. 

Work is being done on the driveway, he's building us an island countertop and a half wall inside the front door. If all goes as planned he hopes to have some of his equipment moved out of some rooms and we may, just may, be able to move some items into our small bedrooms over the weekend along with a few appliances. Yay!

We're trying to stay hopeful that the countertops will arrive on time and we'll really be in the home stretch. 

Friday 15 October 2021

Pandemic Blues

Well, things had been moving on pretty well but today we got some news that has changed that a bit. We believe we had shared we switched up our countertops a bit a few weeks ago in order to get them in about ten days versus eight to ten weeks. 

Much like so many other things that are delayed so are our countertops. We anticipated them arriving today instead we're looking at two more weeks of waiting, October 28th is our new date for arrival. We're hoping that date will not move again but with the pandemic we have no guarantees. 

We've been blessed to have gotten this far without too many major delays and it's only two weeks but it's still disappointing. 

We'll keep the faith that we'll still be able to move in before Thanksgiving arrives but it sure is a bit worrisome. 

Sorry we don't have our usual happy news to share and we're a bit down but we'll get there. 

They are ready and waiting..........

Monday 11 October 2021

Got Grass??

Those few days of rain did a world of good on our grass seed. Last Thursday there was nothing to be seen but today............ we've got grass! :-) 

Something else that was finished up on Saturday morning was our few rooms of carpet. We have gray in the two smaller bedrooms and tan in the closet. Yes, that big room is our closet. lol! 

Donald had a day off today so he was able to help move a few appliances over. We'll have a gas stove in the kitchen. Something new for Serena to learn about. 

It's amazing what a difference a few things make in the appearance. It's really looking like a house now. 

We've been packing our current house for months to get it ready for the market. We're hoping in about a month or sooner to have it ready to list! 

Tuesday 5 October 2021

What rain?

 We've had a little rain and there is more on the way but luckily we're at a point where there is lots of indoor work to be done. 

It's only Tuesday and lots of stuff has gotten done already. 

Monday saw the delivery of the base cabinets and now that they have arrived majority of the floors have been put down. The trim around the doors and windows has all been done and well, it's looking more and more like a house. 

The kitchen cabinets viewed from outside Serena's office. 

A view of the floors and the kitchen from the hallway area outside the master bedroom. 

Vanity in the master bathroom. 

We had somehow forgotten to share we put the fireplace in the house. We've got the mock up for the box in place this allowed the floor around it to be put down. It's not finished and pretty looking yet but it will be. More to come on that in a few weeks. 

Stay tuned we're getting closer. 

From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...