Tuesday 19 October 2021

Progress Continues

While we were disheartened with the news of the delay on countertops last week it's a new week and progress continues. 

Our shower got completed and it looks awesome! Our builder did a wonderful job putting this together and making it work for us. 

Since we took this picture a glass 'wall' has been put in place and it looks great. 

Work is being done on the driveway, he's building us an island countertop and a half wall inside the front door. If all goes as planned he hopes to have some of his equipment moved out of some rooms and we may, just may, be able to move some items into our small bedrooms over the weekend along with a few appliances. Yay!

We're trying to stay hopeful that the countertops will arrive on time and we'll really be in the home stretch. 

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