Tuesday 5 October 2021

What rain?

 We've had a little rain and there is more on the way but luckily we're at a point where there is lots of indoor work to be done. 

It's only Tuesday and lots of stuff has gotten done already. 

Monday saw the delivery of the base cabinets and now that they have arrived majority of the floors have been put down. The trim around the doors and windows has all been done and well, it's looking more and more like a house. 

The kitchen cabinets viewed from outside Serena's office. 

A view of the floors and the kitchen from the hallway area outside the master bedroom. 

Vanity in the master bathroom. 

We had somehow forgotten to share we put the fireplace in the house. We've got the mock up for the box in place this allowed the floor around it to be put down. It's not finished and pretty looking yet but it will be. More to come on that in a few weeks. 

Stay tuned we're getting closer. 

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