Tuesday 28 September 2021

Outdoor work

Beautiful fall weather is upon us and that's a great time to work outdoors. That's exactly what's happening around our house so far this week. 

We have a deck for the end door for the house, this will be the main entrance for us off the driveway.

A lot of the grading outside has been done and it's definitely changing the look of things. We now have a large backyard which will be at least partially fenced in somehow for Pepper. We're not sure if we'll use underground or regular fencing for her. She's smart enough we could see her being an escape artist. 

View from the end right end of the house where the driveway will be.

Things are definitely taking shape. Stay tuned to see what's coming the rest of this week. 

Friday 24 September 2021

Doors, Floors and a Patio

 Another busy week here at the Jacobs Homestead. 

Even with the rain there was still a lot of activity and a lot got done. Our well and septic tank are ready to roll just need to do the last hookup once everything else is ready inside the house. 

During the rain we had some interior doors and some floors installed. 

After the rain ended on Thursday morning a concrete truck rolled in to pour the patio. This will be really nice to enjoy in the hot summer months when it's super hot outside. 

While things are moving forward we had a 'scare', if you will, regarding the countertops. They cannot be ordered until the cabinets are made. Availability of countertops is not good at this point in time. The schedule for us to get the one's we picked out was eight to ten weeks!! So we started scrambling. Thankfully the builder was able to find some that were very similar and that we liked that can be here in a couple of weeks and he may be making the one for our kitchen island. Whew! Crisis averted. 

Friday 17 September 2021

A Busy Week

We already posted earlier this week but work has continued the past several days and we have more to share. 

There was a lot of digging going on Wednesday and Thursday. We've got a good start on the septic system and the well. 

The porch was completed. We now have steps and a very good solid porch. As you can see there is no danger of Serena falling off. LOL! 

The form has been set for the concrete to be poured for the patio out back. 

Things are moving right along and we're super excited. 

Tuesday 14 September 2021

A Place to Rest

 It's a new week and there is more activity with our house. There has been some digging going on. We've got a place for a septic tank it hopefully will arrive soon so they can get that taken care of. 

The biggest thing so far is .... we have a front porch! It's not quite finished yet, a few more pickets to go in and we'll need some steps but for the most part it's done and yes, it is a place to rest. 

We're pleased with how it turned out. It is definitely a sturdy porch.

The vanity lights were put in place on Monday, now we just need the vanities. 

Master bathroom 

Spare bathroom

The amazing thing is all of this and it's only Tuesday! 

Friday 10 September 2021

Let there be light!

The electricians returned today and are almost finished with their work. They will return and finish up a few minor things but as of today, we have lights and fans.

This picture was taken from our dining room area. So you are seeing the light for above the dining room table, the light inside the front door and the main fan and light for the living area. We missed taking a picture of the light that will be over the island but we'll get a picture of it eventually. 

A closer picture of the dining room light and fan/light combination in living area. 

Here's a daylight picture of our bedroom. We're really liking the color it's bright but it's beautiful! 

We have our exterior lights up too. Here's Donald in the front doorway checking it out. 


The framing for the porch took place today. It's going to be a nice size front porch and we can't wait to be able to enjoy it. 

Stand by for more to come, things are moving quickly at the moment. 

Thursday 9 September 2021

All In a Days Work

Things got busy at the house today. Working from home Serena knew they were doing the grading around the house but did not know they finished the inside painting. 

We had a prior commitment this afternoon and did not get to see anything that was done until we got home. So here we went with our flashlights up to check it out. 

Wow! What a difference a days work makes. 

Here's a picture of the grading that was done on the back of the house. Prior to today we were walking up a plank to get inside now it's just a bit of a big step. 

Once we went inside there was even a bigger surprise awaiting us. Our bedroom got painted and it looks 'swimming'. Here's the audience participation choice in the room.

Again these pictures were taken at night so we'll get some more pictures with the natural light and share them soon. 

We hadn't had a chance to post yet but the flooring was also delivered this week. Things are moving right along. There will be more blog posts coming soon. 


Thursday 2 September 2021

Things are getting colorful


Business picked up again today at the Jacobs Homestead. 

The builder showed up early this morning and started some more of the indoor painting. This is going to change the look indoors so much. We went for a visit this afternoon and our red wall is all done! 

Definitely a pop of color inside the otherwise white walls. It's bright, but we love it! 

They also began putting pipe and drainage around the house and we got a delivery of the lumber for our front porch. 

We're excited to see things moving again. Hopefully we can make updates more often in the next few weeks. 

From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...