Thursday 9 September 2021

All In a Days Work

Things got busy at the house today. Working from home Serena knew they were doing the grading around the house but did not know they finished the inside painting. 

We had a prior commitment this afternoon and did not get to see anything that was done until we got home. So here we went with our flashlights up to check it out. 

Wow! What a difference a days work makes. 

Here's a picture of the grading that was done on the back of the house. Prior to today we were walking up a plank to get inside now it's just a bit of a big step. 

Once we went inside there was even a bigger surprise awaiting us. Our bedroom got painted and it looks 'swimming'. Here's the audience participation choice in the room.

Again these pictures were taken at night so we'll get some more pictures with the natural light and share them soon. 

We hadn't had a chance to post yet but the flooring was also delivered this week. Things are moving right along. There will be more blog posts coming soon. 


1 comment:

From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...