Monday 26 July 2021

Inside these walls

 Yes, you read that correctly, we have walls!

They finished getting the drywall up today and should begin the mudding process hopefully tomorrow. It really looks like a house now! 

View from the laundry room door, the open door is the backdoor. 

View from the front door, the wall to the right is the dining room wall we are going to do as an accent wall. 

View from the hallway near the kitchen

View from Serena's office

View from the corner of the living room, there will be a fireplace here

These pictures really make it look much larger than it really is but it's exciting to finally see it with the rooms defined. For some unknown reason I didn't take a picture of the bedrooms but I can do that in a few days. 

We're still deciding on colors and we appreciate all of the opinions shared from you all. We'll make a decision sometime this week and let you know. 

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From Our House to Yours

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