Wednesday 26 May 2021

Something new

So we've been sharing pictures and stories about the house for a while now. Tonight we decided to try our hand at a video. 

Use the link below to see Serena's video tour of the house as it looks today. This is a youtube video, if clicking on the link does not work. Go to and search for Jacobs Homestead Video 1. 

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Closing In

This post is mostly pictures so we hope you all enjoy. 

It's been another few days of hard work around our place. In just two days they have completed the roof and there is the house! 

It's amazing what a difference having the roof on makes in how the house looks. 

This picture is taken from the front door looking toward where our kitchen area will be. 

This is looking toward where our back door to the patio and our three windows overlooking the patio and the backyard are. 

This is from the front door looking toward where my office will be along with our walk in closet and master bath. 

From the left front corner of our master bedroom there is our master bath and our walk in closet. 

Here we are in the kitchen looking toward the front of the house. 

It's amazing how it's all coming together so quickly. It's super exciting to see how it looks different each day. 

Pepper loves taking walks with us every afternoon to see how things are progressing. 

We're hoping we'll have doors and windows soon. We know we need the rain but we've been blessed to not have much to this point. The wood would have been fine but glad to see it under roof before any major storms come through. 

We know things will probably slow up but also know work will continue and we're so excited to be able to see this progress. 


Thursday 20 May 2021

Shock and Awe

 So a lot happened today. 

We were told some things would move fast and they weren't kidding. Remember the picture of the floor from yesterday? Well, just look at what happened today! 

Just a few more frames for interior walls and then the roof trusses should be here and ready to go on. 

We are super excited! As the title says we are in shock and awe! 

Wednesday 19 May 2021


 We're halfway through a new week and things are looking different. 

This arrived today. 

A very important part to any construction project. LOL! 

Work began anew on Tuesday mid-day. Workers arrived to seal the block and ready everything for the framing of the house. This picture was taken Tuesday afternoon and we were feeling very excited wondering when they'd return. 

Well, today the workers arrived and worked hard all day so that we now have a floor. These guys did most all of the floor joists and laying of the floor in less than a day and a half. 

These pictures were taken this afternoon. What a difference a day makes!  

We know things are going to move quickly through this phase so look for new posts in the coming days. 

Sunday 16 May 2021

A Nice Surprise

We took a little time off work this week just for some 'down time'. Thursday morning we're here at the house when our pup Pepper started barking and we heard a large truck.......imagine our surprise when that truck had a load of lumber for our house! We don't have the roof trusses or floor joists yet but most everything else has arrived. 

As we were watching them unload the lumber another large truck came up the road moving pretty slow. It pulled off near the Smith's house so Serena walked up to see what they had to deliver. Our shingles also arrived. Another piece to the puzzle. Now we're waiting for the time to arrive when it will really start coming together. 

Wednesday 12 May 2021

A Firm Foundation

We haven't posted recently because not a ton going on at the moment. They did finish up our foundation earlier this week though! :-) 

Our lumber package has been ordered, thank you Lord. Now we wait for delivery and eventually the start of framing the house. We picked the color of our siding and it's going to be blue! 

Here's some pictures of our completed foundation. One step at a time. 


Thursday 6 May 2021

Foundation going up

 Today was a good day. The mason showed up to start on the foundation! 

Not really a lot to tell about it but we do have some pictures to share. 

Pictures from our drone. As you can see we have a nice shade tree that should serve us well when it starts getting really hot. 

Things are getting real. Excited to see things moving forward. 

Wednesday 5 May 2021

We're still here!

We apologize for not posting a lot recently but we don't have a lot going on at the moment. 

They delivered some block last Friday to build the foundation and hopefully someone will be here soon to get started on it. 

We ended our last post on a bit of a down note I'm afraid but all is well and we're still super excited to be building our house. While we've been waiting all these months for things to progress through the lender, the lawyer and such we haven't been just sitting around. We've been shopping. 

We decided we should go ahead and look for good deals on appliances. We looked for open box items, scratch and dent items and sale items. Thankfully we were able to purchase every single appliance we needed and they are all paid for and stored away. We caught a going out of business sale for a lighting store and saved a bunch of money that way. 

We're hoping things will begin moving soon so we'll have more to report and share with everyone. 

Here is our current situation with the house. 

From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...