Wednesday 19 May 2021


 We're halfway through a new week and things are looking different. 

This arrived today. 

A very important part to any construction project. LOL! 

Work began anew on Tuesday mid-day. Workers arrived to seal the block and ready everything for the framing of the house. This picture was taken Tuesday afternoon and we were feeling very excited wondering when they'd return. 

Well, today the workers arrived and worked hard all day so that we now have a floor. These guys did most all of the floor joists and laying of the floor in less than a day and a half. 

These pictures were taken this afternoon. What a difference a day makes!  

We know things are going to move quickly through this phase so look for new posts in the coming days. 


  1. They had ours framed and closed in in 2 weeks. After that it took forever!

  2. Yeah our builder told us it will go really fast then slow again. We're excited to see some progress after almost a year. Gives us more time to get our current house ready to sell.


From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...