Tuesday 25 May 2021

Closing In

This post is mostly pictures so we hope you all enjoy. 

It's been another few days of hard work around our place. In just two days they have completed the roof and there is the house! 

It's amazing what a difference having the roof on makes in how the house looks. 

This picture is taken from the front door looking toward where our kitchen area will be. 

This is looking toward where our back door to the patio and our three windows overlooking the patio and the backyard are. 

This is from the front door looking toward where my office will be along with our walk in closet and master bath. 

From the left front corner of our master bedroom there is our master bath and our walk in closet. 

Here we are in the kitchen looking toward the front of the house. 

It's amazing how it's all coming together so quickly. It's super exciting to see how it looks different each day. 

Pepper loves taking walks with us every afternoon to see how things are progressing. 

We're hoping we'll have doors and windows soon. We know we need the rain but we've been blessed to not have much to this point. The wood would have been fine but glad to see it under roof before any major storms come through. 

We know things will probably slow up but also know work will continue and we're so excited to be able to see this progress. 



From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...