Saturday 31 July 2021

Audience Participation Results

To everyone out there who took time to read the blog and check the colors we had to choose from we thank you for helping us out.

Since things are moving along at a brisk pace for the walls we wanted to go ahead and make our choices. They are here today finishing up the 'mudding' on the drywall. They will be ready to sand the walls on Tuesday and then we'll be ready for some painting. 

We took the swatches up and put them on the walls to see if that would help and we were able to make a decision. Seems a lot of us think alike. 

The overwhelming winner for the dining room accent wall at 76% was Stop.

It was close for the color of the bedroom, that one was difficult and we had almost a tie at 45% each was Tame Teal and Swimming. We decided to go with Swimming.

We know the bright wall in the dining room is a bold choice but we've seen it in other houses and think it's a nice touch. 

Other things are coming along as well. We purchased the gas fireplace and logs and we'd like to recommend HMI Welding in Christiansburg to find reasonable prices on these items. Not a large fancy store but has what you need at a good price. 

 Stay tuned to see what may happen as we begin the month of August. 

Monday 26 July 2021

Inside these walls

 Yes, you read that correctly, we have walls!

They finished getting the drywall up today and should begin the mudding process hopefully tomorrow. It really looks like a house now! 

View from the laundry room door, the open door is the backdoor. 

View from the front door, the wall to the right is the dining room wall we are going to do as an accent wall. 

View from the hallway near the kitchen

View from Serena's office

View from the corner of the living room, there will be a fireplace here

These pictures really make it look much larger than it really is but it's exciting to finally see it with the rooms defined. For some unknown reason I didn't take a picture of the bedrooms but I can do that in a few days. 

We're still deciding on colors and we appreciate all of the opinions shared from you all. We'll make a decision sometime this week and let you know. 

Saturday 24 July 2021

We need some help

 Yesterday some of the drywall went up in the house, we're not fully finished yet so we'll save those pictures for next weeks post. 

Now that we're getting the walls we want to do some painting. We want an accent wall in our dining room and we'd like color in our master bedroom and bathroom. Deciding on colors is never an easy task. We've picked some colors for each area but we'd like your opinion. 

We've attached some photos of the colors we've narrowed it down to. Take a look and let us know what color you like. 

These are the choices for the dining room wall. This will be to the right when you come in the front door. It's part of the open concept area of our living room, kitchen and dining room. When we were looking at houses we saw one with a wall about this color and thought it looked great so that's where the idea of these colors came from. 

No 1 - Obstinate Orange

No 2 - Stop

No 3 - Raucous Orange

These are the choices for the master bedroom and bath. We have two side by side windows in the front of this room and a transom window will be above where the bed will be. This will allow a good bit of light to come into this room.

Top left No 1 - Free Spirit

Top right No 2 - Something Blue

Bottom left No 3 - Swimming

Bottom right No 4 - Tame Teal

Let us know your picks in the comments here or on my Facebook post. We'll let you all know the most popular picks and what we have decided to use. 

Wednesday 21 July 2021

Unexpected Delivery

A nice delivery was made today. Serena heard a large truck outside and of course Pepper let her know someone had arrived as well. It was the drywall being delivered!! 

They unloaded it into the house and placed it in different rooms. Late this afternoon we were outside the house visiting with our neighbor when a black truck rolled up. A gentleman got out saying he was there to check and see if the drywall had been delivered. He is scheduled to come tomorrow and start working on getting it in place. 

We're excited to see this part happen. If all goes as planned we may have the interior walls in place by this weekend!!  

Y'all stay tuned, we're getting there. 

Saturday 17 July 2021

The Ride Continues.........


Things are starting to move a tad quicker now that the inspection is done. 

The insulation went up in the house yesterday so before long we'll have some walls. As you can see from the picture it is 'Pepper approved.'

Now's the time to start looking at paint. We're doing most of it white but probably our master bedroom, bath and an accent wall in the dining room will have some color.

Our siding has been delivered, it's a pretty color! :-)

We started this blog partially because we were building this during the COVID pandemic and we could share how this affected things. It's affecting availability as well as price. Yesterday we found out the HVAC system they were planning to install for us was not available, there would be at least a180 day wait if not more. I'll do the math for you that's at least four months if not more! WHAT??!! Other than waiting our options were to go with a commercial unit which was a little cheaper but probably not as good or........... yep, get a more expensive one. Thankfully the price wasn't as high as we feared and we will be getting a better unit in the long run. That one should hopefully only take three weeks to get here. 

Now that its starting to move again it's time to get back to packing up things in the current house so that it can go on the market. That's a juggling act as well. We don't want to sell too fast as we need to continue to live here until ours is done but the money from the sale would be welcome to put into our loan.

It's like a roller coaster ride that keeps on going. 

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Unseen work


It's been a little while since our last post and while we don't have any pictures to share this time work is continuing. 

The first inspection took place today and all is well so we're ready to keep moving forward. This afternoon another delivery arrived. Couldn't figure out what it might be.......after work we walked over and found our siding had arrived. 

We've been told we're getting closer to the insulation going in and then after that it will be time for drywall. 

Shopping continues for ceiling fans, light fixtures, ideas for paint colors, etc. 

We're hoping our next post will have some pictures to share. 

Thanks for continuing on the ride with us!! 

From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...