Thursday 17 June 2021


We realized we forgot to share that before we left they began putting the shingles on the roof. Unfortunately, they ran out but additional one's arrived and today they finished up the remaining portion. 

Not the best picture because of the shadows but our front porch will sure be nice with the shade. 

After our last post the builder called with an update on the doors and windows. Looks like they may not arrive until late June. The builder said he couldn't wait that long to move forward to we're looking for an electrician and maybe the HVAC person to be here next week. 

So just as we start feeling a little 'down' something happens and we start feeling hopeful again. So glad our journey is continuing and that you all are along for the ride.  

1 comment:

From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...