Saturday 26 June 2021

Closing In

We're almost completely closed in as far as the house goes. All the doors and windows arrived (except the kitchen window) yesterday and were put in place. Makes things look much different and it's almost closed in now. I'll have to take some pictures from the inside to show how the windows look in there. 

The plumbers and electricians are almost done with running the wires and pipes for now. We took on the job of running the network cables (telephone, TV, etc.) ourselves, since that's what Donald does for a living. We worked several hours this morning and below is a picture of what we accomplished we ran about 500 feet. We'll finish up tomorrow morning. 

We took off the afternoon and went to Roanoke in search of some ceiling fans and light fixtures and boy we really got a great deal on a large ceiling fan today. We love bargains! 

On our way home near the top of Bent Mtn. we had a bear cross the road in front of us. We grabbed a quick picture before he headed up the hill. Serena actually saw one behind our current house yesterday. 

Maybe we can catch a picture of one around here sometime meanwhile we'll keep our eyes peeled as we're outside especially going to and from the new house. 

Wednesday 23 June 2021

One Step Back, Two Steps Forward


While the doors and windows have not yet arrived. Work is continuing. 

This week we've had plumbers and electricians working at the house. As you can see from the pictures they've gotten a lot done so far. 

For a couple of weeks we were at a standstill and it felt almost like a step back but yet here we are moving two steps forward. It's definitely a rollercoaster ride, some days are good while others are not but we keep reminding ourselves how it will be worth it in the end. 

Thursday 17 June 2021


We realized we forgot to share that before we left they began putting the shingles on the roof. Unfortunately, they ran out but additional one's arrived and today they finished up the remaining portion. 

Not the best picture because of the shadows but our front porch will sure be nice with the shade. 

After our last post the builder called with an update on the doors and windows. Looks like they may not arrive until late June. The builder said he couldn't wait that long to move forward to we're looking for an electrician and maybe the HVAC person to be here next week. 

So just as we start feeling a little 'down' something happens and we start feeling hopeful again. So glad our journey is continuing and that you all are along for the ride.  

Tuesday 15 June 2021


Patience is a virtue and right now patience is the thing.

As you all have witnessed things got started and moved on really quickly which was exciting. Now we are playing the waiting game. The doors and windows have still not arrived yet, we don't know where they are coming from, so no timeline. Until those are in, from what I understand, nothing further will get done. 

It's been two weeks almost of waiting, seeing no work being done and being patient. That's not always an easy thing.

We have been able to keep ourselves busy. Took at trip to GA to visit family and we continue to work on packing up items here in our current home in preparation for selling it later this year. 

Here's hoping that business will pick up again soon. 

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Country Livin'

There isn't anything new to report on the house. We're still awaiting the arrival of windows and doors to get everything all sealed up. 

We have had some visitors come by to check out the progress and it's been lots of fun to show them around. We still walk up there every day to check things out. On our walk this afternoon we found we had another visitor while we weren't around...............

Bear tracks, bear tracks! Looks like we had a large visitor at some point. 

We found these right about where our back patio will eventually be. Ah yes, we are building and living in the country! 

From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...