Wednesday 28 April 2021

One Step Forward.....

We could barely contain our excitement yesterday when our builder arrived to start digging the footers for the house. It's getting real!! He and an employee worked hard all day and right before Serena finished work for the day a concrete truck rolled up. We have some footers for our house. :-)

Doing some digging! 

Pouring the concrete
They had to do some fast work before the concrete set up

Footers all done

View from what will be our backyard. 

The block should hopefully be laid in the next week or so and we'll have our foundation. 

Remember where we said it was getting real now?? Yeah, well remember we are still in the midst of a pandemic. The prices of lumber are up 300% over this time last year and no signs of going down. We have a budget set for the house and we're getting close to that mark. We had almost made up our minds to hold off a month or so and see if the prices dropped then we found out that the prices of the windows and doors are going to be increasing in the very near future. So, we wait for lumber prices to MAYBE drop and we have to pay more for windows and doors. Do we continue right now or try to wait? 

As someone told us we're basically playing the lottery. It's not a great position to be in but we have to move forward while we hope and pray for the best. Our hope is that the interest rates will continue to stay low so in the end that may help us a bit. 

We're on a roller coaster ride at the moment and not much we can do but hang on.

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From Our House to Yours

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