Monday 19 April 2021

Finding a Builder

 We chose a modular home that we wanted for our very own however there is way more involved that just choosing that house. There's a lot of work to be done before it can even be ordered. There are cabinets, carpets, vinyl siding, windows and lots of other stuff to pick out so pricing can be set. 

As it turned out there was one builder that worked with the modular company we chose. Countryside Custom Homes, Inc right here in Floyd VA. ( or search Countryside Custom Homes on Facebook). Matthew Thomas is the owner and we were pleased to begin working with he and his wife Jessica on reviewing our options and making our decisions.

As you probably remember we had a long wait for paperwork to be done, signed, etc. and lots can change, especially during a pandemic. Some folks may already be aware that due to the pandemic lumber prices are skyrocketing. While we were waiting for everything to be completed the price from the manufacturer increased once, twice and finally three times. We were now looking at $14,000 extra for this house plus the wait for the manufacturer to start building was 18 weeks. 

What do we do now? We discussed our options, talked with Matthew and decided we could do this within our budget and timeframe by stick building. 

So here we are. Again, due to some delays with everything we were pushed back a bit but we are hoping that we'll be in our new digs by late fall. Patience when it comes to this is not easy but we'll get there. 

Looking forward to seeing some excavation beginning soon so we can start on the foundation. It won't happen overnight but it will happen and as so many have told us 'It will be so worth it in the end'. 

Here is the spot where our house will be looking toward my parents house. 

Matthew Thomas discussing and laying out the corners of the house. 

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From Our House to Yours

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