Friday 27 August 2021

Sneak Peek

 After a week or so of nothing happening we had a little activity today. The house has primer paint now. It will have several days to dry and hopefully later next week we can get the final coat of paint and we'll be another step toward getting everything done on the inside. 

Here's a picture of our open concept kitchen, dining room and living room area with the primer on it. Even with just that much done it looks different. Once the paint is finished up we can move on to flooring, trim, cabinets and fireplace. The painting is a big step toward other big things to come. 

Thursday 19 August 2021

Another Delivery


So, it's been a slow week as far as the house goes. Not a lot happening at the moment. The builder has been busy finishing up another house so we're patiently (haha) waiting for business to pick up again. 

We did have a delivery this week, our paint arrived. 

The painting will be a big step and will definitely make things look very different inside. If anyone would like to come by and take a look at how the house looks right now please reach out to us on Facebook. It's not going to look like this for very much longer. 

Per our builder we're still about six weeks or so out on the cabinets but there is a lot of other things that can be taken care of until then. The tile for our shower has been ordered and hopefully in a week or two that will start coming together. 

Waiting isn't always easy but we'll get there. 

Tuesday 10 August 2021


 Another step in the right direction. They showed up yesterday to do our electrical work. They put in some underground electrical lines for us. We have a meter on the outside of the house so we're ready to have some power. Now we need something to power up. ;-)

While we know the indoor work can move pretty slow we're still working on other things. We're working on packing up our current house. We'll be putting ours up for sale at some point. We're not sure when that date will be but we're 'listing with Levi'. Levi Cox will be helping us make the transition from this home to our next by helping with the sale of our current home.

We're excited we're getting closer to the reality of our new house. 

Sunday 8 August 2021

I'm Blue, I've got Gas and I have Door Handles

 How's that for an attention grabber? LOL! 

It's been a busy week around here with things at the house. The siding went up Friday and Saturday and yes, it's blue! 

Some other work took place this week, they ran the gas lines. So once we're a bit further along they'll set the tank so we'll have our gas logs in the fireplace and the gas stove all ready to go. 

We also noticed over the week that the doors were not staying closed very well as they had no door handles on them. Apparently someone else noticed too so we now have door handles/locks on the exterior doors. 

We're excited to see what's coming next. Stay tuned! 

From Our House to Yours

Not really much to share like we normally have. We've been busy preparing for the holidays and just enjoying all that comes with this ti...